- Aesthetic Wellbeing Botanicals
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- Moringa Oleifera for hair and skin care
Moringa Oleifera for hair and skin care
The Moringa oleifera is also called the miracle plant due to its extraordinary properties.
The dry leaf is rich in valuable vegetable proteins, minerals, vitamins and other antioxidant compounds.
The ancient Egyptians used moringa oil for cosmetic and skin care purposes; even the ancient Greeks and Romans knew its beneficial properties.
Skin preparations containing Moringa have been used for beauty care since ancient times.
It is known to have purifying and cleansing effects on hair and protect hair against environmental pollutants and UV, and strengthens and conditions the hair and scalp.
Emollient, conditioning and hydrating effects, Moringa contains peptides able to neutralized harmful pollutants, detoxifies skin and fight premature skin aging.
Protect skin cells against heavy metals (mercury and cadmium) exposure.
Moringa leaves are rich in proteins, vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, C) and minerals (iron, potassium).
They contain tannins; sterols; terpenoids; flavonoids (myricetin, quercetin, campferol, isoarmnetin, rutin); saponins; anthraquinones; alkaloids (niazimycin, niazirin, niazirinin); phenolic acids (caffeic, chlorogenic, coumaric, ellagic, ferulic, gallic); glucosinolates; isothiocinates; thiocarbamates (niaziminins); marusids; nitrile glycosides; lutein and tocopherols.
Once dried, the protein content exceeds 20% of the dry weight
It is used externally in phytotherapy for the topical treatment of infections, athlete's foot, dandruff, gingivitis, snake bites and wounds of various kinds.